. . . reflecting on the practice of living

“Flowers scattering –
The water we thirst for
Far off, in the mist.”
― Kobayashi Issa


practice vb. to do an activity repeatedly to gain skill; to do something consistently, regularly n. the carrying out of what one believes or the work they do; the customary way of doing a thing

Welcome, friends, family, and perhaps a few passersby to my blogging adventure. It is a place where I will practice writing, and pay attention to the practice of living.

These pages will contain a mixture of reflections on current life, stories from my past, and stories from family history—some of them are excerpts from pieces that I had to cut from my memoir in progress. If you are interested in joining me, I’m happy to have your company.


New book from Kathleen Weaver Kurtz

Introductory text / where to purchase / more information.

Link to the book page.

Recent Posts

A Visit with Aunt Goldie

By kathiekurtz | November 2, 2020

I am fast losing those in the generation above me. My father and mother have been gone for years, followed by many of their siblings and cousins. While I have not lost any of my uncles or aunts to the pandemic, they are continuing to slip away, their passing made more poignant because I can’t…

A Boat to Carry Me

By kathiekurtz | October 17, 2020

The lights dimmed. Chatter subsided. Cate took her place on the stool in the center of the small stage, tossed her hair out of her face, played a few warming-up chords on her guitar, and then paused. “I want you all to imagine there is a klezmer band here tonight—imagine a rollicking clarinet and an…